Saturday, 20 July 2013

And we remain alive but busy.  Alex has been here for the last 3 weeks and leaves for Europe this evening.  Work still going on in house so chaos reigns.  Kids are in good form.  Heat is a pain - in the 90's. I promise to get back to writing proper posts soonish

Thursday, 4 July 2013


No Samuel Pepys am I.  But we are alive albeit very busy.  Alex is having a great visit, Joey is generally good but occasionally a nightmare - especially when he has mouth ulcers at Anne's parents 60th anniversary celebrations at Mohonk and Izzy is doing fine.  Looking a bit better for returning to Brazil.   House still a bit of a mess but getting there.  Business starting to catch on - helped by the fact that I understand it better now.  So all well and will try to do better with my blog.