Saturday, 28 January 2012

Had a good night last night.  Had dinner with parents of one of Joey's school chums.  Took the kids and had a very nice time, also learning more about what other kids have gone through with dyslexia and some of the things that they have tried that work - in this case a gluton-free diet made a positive contribution to their son's progress.

Then I hit the local pub, where there was a good four-piece blues band playing.  The wee pub was crowded ie with about 25 people.  By the time the band finished at midnight, there was only 5 of us left which was a bit sad for the band and not at all indicative of their quality.  Real troupers, they played with heart and soul until the end and then joined us for a beer.  I was then invited by another new mate, Pete, to the infamous Hill Billy Hall bar, up the hill.  The one with the bikers etc (the couple that we had dinner recommended it - apparently did a great Oktoberfest with loads of people and  a cracking band.  On another occasion, Bruce was in the area in the woods with his Cub Scout troop and turned up at the bar in uniform to find a hundred Harley's parked outside and lots of guys in leather with their tattooed chicks.  All very friendly).

Anyway, we were made very welcome, had a couple of beers and a chat whilst people watching - lots of guys with big guts, beards and tattoos, lots of girls with tattoos and piercings.  One of whom mooned her friends across the bar.  Bad kareoke singing.  Quite enjoyed it!

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