Joey has had a great birthday so far. Excited and enjoying it, but well-behaved with it. Hos main problem has been that he over-reacts to every little disappointment, and in a way that sounds like a 2 year old rather than a 10 year old at times. He must stop this and Anne and I have now spoken to him about a new regime. After a couple of days 'transition', every time he does that moan, he will have 3 seconds to stop (initially) or will be sent to castigo or lose his privileges - TV and minecraft. We have told him that as a 10 year old, he cannot behave this way, that it drives us nuts and makes us all unhappy. He has responded well during this transition period, hopefully it will last.
Received a lovely message from his Brazilian friend, maury;
oi joey sou eu maury feliz aniversario tenha um dia bem feliz e divertido queria estar ai com vocer para comemorar o seu aniversario mais eu vou sempre estar do seu lado seu amigo maury
Last bit reads 'wish I was there but will always be at your side, your friend Maury'.
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