Rough day with Joey. Started well and Anne took the kids to the Princeton Art Museum, which they enjoyed. We had scoped out a restaurant which we judged would have enough of the food that Joey can eat. But it was closed so we ended up at another one. before we could stop her, the waitress plonked bread down on the table and Izzy grabbed a slice and started eating it. Joey, already slightly edgy because he was hungry, had a fit and would not back down - we had agreed that we all, as a family, would share his diet. But we had hoped that, over time, he would accept that Izzy, at least, could have the odd treat. In general, in any case, we think that his diet is a healthy one. But he was not in the mood for compromise and I was not in the mood to give sympathy to his complaints. Ruined the day and I feel lousy that I cannot do better, that we cannot find a way to help the kid better but also that Joey cannot himself do better.
Anne and I are in agreement on most things but - and I am not sure how to put this - think that we should expect more of Joey and that he can do better, show more empathy towards Izzy and be prepared to listen more. But who knows who is right.
We have always been against using drugs for Joey but I am starting to feel that it might be the lesser of two evils. We are simply not continuing the progress that we had hoped for and I worry where we are going. If we cannot get Joey more stable, and happier, then what will happen when he hits his teens?
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