Sunday, 12 February 2012

Went up to visit Grace and her husband Bryce.  Grace is the one I met over curry in the local deli.  Nice afternoon, feeding the horses and chatting with the lids being very well behaved.  They have a nice old farmhouse, with a barn that is regarded as unique here as it includes both English and Dutch design and has been in continual use as a barn for over 200 years.  Another barn nearby, belong to a farm bought by Bryce and now lived in by his son, has a very well preserved Dutch barn which, it seems, elicits sighs of almost orgasmic pleasure from barn afficiados who see it.

Bryce is a character - see
for a fuller account of his life. He has been married 3 times, first to a Pam Am air-hostess turned model.  Remember the glamour?  The blue uniforms, the 'Come fly with me' ads?
Anyway, he made a lot of money investing in land, used to drive to Manhattan, get drunk and into fights (no cartilage left in his nose, he told me), still rides a motorbike, rode, played polo and hunted until recently, skied and played tennis for the USArmy in Germany, and has his second wife live in a neighbouring farm he bought.  His office in Princeton is in a house lived in by six generations of Thompsons, the maternal line of which came over from Antrim after the Famine, and the paternal line at about the same time from Scotland.
We are going there for dinner next Friday.  Should be interesting!

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