Thursday, 31 May 2012

Joey's school conference; we met with Ms Hoffman and Bryani today to discuss Joey's progress.  And there has been real progress, both in behaviour and performance.  Hi reading and writing have come on very well, his drawing and singing are good.  He has a great vocabulary and expresses himself very well - to a much higher level that most kids his age.  He is still behind and struggles but there is progress.
He generally plays and interacts with other kids very well.
His behaviour is better.  But he still has problems with one of the other kids in his class - Ryan M.  And Joey does not know how to back down.  Or to step back when an adult steps in.  Too often - and this happens with Izzy at home - he will start off as the injured party but then gets the attention turned on him because he over-reacts.  He then feels aggrieved and accuses one and all of being mean.

And there is an anger and frustration within him which erupts occasionally - mainly at home, where he has had a couple of bad outbursts recently.  It is hard to know where this comes from.  He has such a good life , is generally very happy and is making progress.  Maybe part of it is that, at his age, there is so much more emphasis - whether in play, or on TV - on reading something.  and he is still not at the point where he can read easily.

A work in progress, as they say.  But he is a great kid, and he is smart, and progress will continue to the point where the frustration and anger will subside.  And then he will become a lawyer where his tendency to always have the last word and be able to argue for hours on end will be put to good use!

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