Monday, 17 September 2012

Are we becoming paranoid?  Anne has been researching and reading about the chemicals and toxins imbedded in everyday objects, including clothing and furniture.  Of particular concern are the flame retardants in furniture, which are mandatory in the US and which, research informs us, were imposed at the behest of the tobacco industry to avoid problems with people falling asleep with lit cigarettes and setting the sofa or bed afire.  But these retardants are themselves strong chemicals and there is evidence that they contribute to the general high levels of chemicals and toxins in our daily lives.  So we are starting to look for furniture without these.  Not easy.

And then there is cotton.  I always thought cotton fairly harmless but in fact the cotton industry uses a vast amount of chemicals - one of the highest users of pesticides and herbicides and then significant amount of chemicals in the processing.  So we are now looking for organic cotton or wool substitutes for bed linen and clothing.  Not that we are going to throw everything out!  But a gradual move.  Most immediate is the bed linen for the kids, as they do spend a lot of time in bed.

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