Sunday, 30 September 2012

We have to be much more careful about Joey's food.  We went to our street party at 1700 yesterday, taking steaks etc with us.  But, of course, nothing really got started for a while.  And there was loads of junk food laid out.  Joey asked if he could eat some tortilla corn chips (great that he asked), Anne had a quick look at the bag, and said yes.  Within minutes, Joey was upset and emotional about something.  Calmed down and then had a small accident with a bike and over-reacted severely, very emotional.  Anne too him home.

We must do better.  We should have eaten at home, ensuring that the kids ate a healthy meal and would not be tempted by anything.  Shame on us for getting that wrong but we will learn.

A pity, because Joey had had a great day, playing really well with Chris.  We will get there.

Anne did some research last night and it seems that even corn chips can have gluten in them.  Good news is that it seems that Joey's reaction to gluten seems to be relatively short-lived, albeit severe.  Whereas the reaction to dairy seems to be longer-lived.  He certainly seems OK so far today.

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