Thursday, 27 September 2012

We kept ourselves to one bottle so that was good.  Chilled out watching Hugh Laurie in 'Forty Something'.  Quite good.

So what is it with Joey at the moment.  As I have mentioned before, the problem is he has a number of issues.  One is the food intolerance, which the diet should hopefully deal with. The other major one is the dyslexia.  The result is that, at present, he has ingrained habits or fears, or insecurities, that will take time to resolve.  One major one, that caused a big problem, is the fear of failure, when it comes to reading and writing in particular.

He had a fairly simple writing homework yesterday - which I did in the car with him after taking him to the barbers (wow, does that kid's hair grow thick and fast!).  It took 30 minutes and many tears to compete it because he didn't want to try, didn't want to make a mistake.  When he did write, he would not let e watch whilst he did it.  The result was OK - not great spelling but nice writing and it was understandable.  But it took all that time and emotion to do something which he is capable of doing, albeit imperfectly, in 5 minutes.  We keep trying to get the message through to hime that making mistakes is not a problem, that all we ask is that he give it a go, that if he tries, he will eventually get it right.  But if he never tries, he will never get it right.  But it is hard work.  His self-esteem is so fragile.

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