Friday, 25 January 2013

Joey offered to get his own snack.  Not a great deal for most kids but in the past he simply would never have thought of it.  And, to be fair, we never pushed this side of things as he already had enough to get on with and we did not want another reason for battles.  And he has also accepted, more or less with reasonably good grace, the new rule that the basement and bedrooms have to be reasonably tidy before the kids can watch any TV.  Basement used to be a depressing disaster zone where the kids just trashed the place and then have a constant whinge if told to tidy, and take an hour over it, continuously whinging and telling us how mean we were etc etc.  Now, still a bit of a moan and Joey does not exactly work with lightning speed, but much, much better than in the past.  And there is some evidence that they actually limit the damage in the first place as they know they will have to repair it.

General progress but also we think a positive impact by the vitamin B12 jabs.

Boxing tomorrow.  For me as well, so no drink tonight.  Back to 202lbs.

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