OK, 0630 and a bit of time. First, had a great couple of days in Manhattan with Alex. He really is the easiest kid in the world. Did a bit of shopping, saw Spiderman (pretty good, actually, although none of the songs are at all memorable), ate some good meals and generally had a good time. Not cheap, though! We had two good meals on the Spiderman day - one in a steakhouse (he was thrilled to know that a Mafia gangster had been murdered on the pavement outside Sparks - typical kid) and on in 'The View' on the 48th floor of the Times Square Marriott. At in the region of $75 per head for each meal, plus the show, a few purchases on 5th Ave and taxis and you can imagine how expensive it was. Ah well, won't happen very often. In the end, his favourite time was just wandering around Times Square and taking it all in - for free!
What made it all worthwhile and very enjoyable was the fact we were able to spend time with just the two of us together. He is at an age now that we can have a chat over various things. Nothing too profound but he is smart and has a good sense of humour. All in all, a good trip.
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