Friday, 25 January 2013

Yes, we are still alive, and more or less recovered from the various colds and coughs.  Although Anne is still not quite there.   It has been bloody cold, thought.  Not above about 25 degrees F for several days, falling to as low as 12-15.

Joey has been in good form, most of the time.  Despite the fact that three times this week kids have brought cake or cookies into school, food that he cannot eat.  It does affect him, and he shows his annoyance, but in a measured and reasonable way.  It is understandable that he is annoyed, and so are we.  Not that there shouldn't be a place for the odd treat at school, birthdays etc, but three times a week is to much and there is a pattern of kids being awarded with junk food.  With all we know about what goes into processed food now, we should not really be giving our kids it at school.  We shall write to the Director!

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